Monday, December 1, 2008

monotizing casual(flash) games

In one paragraph:
Although casual gaming make over 2 billion dollars a year , you , the developer will find it hard to make a living from it.
Casual games cost little to develop and , as a developer ,tend to bring little money.
Rare "blockbuster" hits can generate a considerable ( 5 digit) some of money if you monetize it correctly , but those blockbuster are extremely hard to come by.

There are 3 major ways to monetize:
1. Ads in-game (mochiAds) or on the site
2. Sponsorship from a publisher site (by giving a splash-screen , and/or use only on that site)
3. -Advanced- selling unlocked, downloadable version of the online game.

The 13 steps to do when monotizing a game , from Emanuele Feronato , for the first and second monetizing ways.

forbes article with examples of (rare) blockbusters:

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